We hear it all the time that online social networking is changing the way we interact with each other and how https://en.instaprivateviewer.com is changing the way people use Instagram. For many of us, it certainly has made our “world” seem larger and we may find that we are constantly marketing, tweeting, twitting, and posting. But, how can a person really make social networking a positive way to grow business and improve networking? Does it take constant work and harassing of our friends or can it be handled with ease and grace?
There are several camps on how to make the most of online and internet social networking.
Some people say you should constantly post, tweet, e-mail, twitter, and whatever technology you have at your fingertips. There are those who are posting messages and links every 5 seconds and say this is the way to generate and keep interested. There are others who think that by participating, one can let the connections evolve organically and they will breed and multiply with no effort of all. The fact is, there is probably a happy medium for most of us that will make it possible for us to make the most of these technological tools without getting burned out or burning out our connections.
It is a mistake to NOT take advantage of all the opportunities for connection that exist in this day and age. Of course, they do not take the place of “in real-time” conversations, friendships and working relationships, but they can augment connection and give you access to even more individuals, businesses, etc. It is important to keep your connections growing and keep your own information current and fresh, but you may want to watch out for growing your networks so large, so fast that you can’t keep up with people and things. This could be more detrimental than growing your networks slowly and paying attention to strengthening the connections.
Look for ways to “layer” your connections. For example, if someone is a “Twitter” follower, consider finding them on FaceBook as well. Send a personal e-mail once in a while just to find another way to connect with people. Just as in “classical” networking, you want to look for ways to layer and strengthen the connections without being obnoxious or overwhelmingly pushy. If you meet someone at a party, it is okay to add them to an online network, but you’ll want to continue to nurture a more personal “real-time” connection as well. Send a note, invite them to coffee or to another party-nurture, and strengthen the connections through direct contact whenever possible. Ask questions, share information, and use your actual social skills to grow your online networks.