Category: Social Media

  • Is It Advisable To Use A Unique Caption On Instagram?

    Is It Advisable To Use A Unique Caption On Instagram?

    We all know that likes, comments, and sharing play the most crucial role on various sites like Instagram and youtube. The more number of likes a person has, the more are the chances of the post getting popular. The main focus of Instagram is on creating an engagement of the general public. And in creating…

  • How Do Social Media Influence Attitudes – Know the essentials!!

    How Do Social Media Influence Attitudes – Know the essentials!!

    What comes to mind when you think of Chobani? Now, consider Dannon and what that brand means to you. The associations you made could lead to different types of attitudinal and behavioral responses and responses in social media. Perhaps you want a thick Turkish yogurt with clear bold flavors or a more traditional French yogurt?…

  • The Big Four Platforms For Social Media Marketing

    The Big Four Platforms For Social Media Marketing

    Thanks for visiting! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to our RSS feed for the latest and newest updates about social media. When was the last time you opened the yellow pages to get information about a business, product or brand? Probably a long time ago. This is likely due…

  • A Consultant’s Primer to Content Strategy

    A Consultant’s Primer to Content Strategy

    Social Media Examiner published an excellent post on How to Develop a Social Media Content Strategy, written by Rich Brooks, that I think everyone who is struggling with social media should read. Mr. Brooks quotes another source that said to him: Well said. All you have to do is look around to see how many…

  • Social Media Card – What is the use?

    Social Media Card – What is the use?

    Social media has pulled advertisers and marketers into the eco-system of conversations. However, the audience has rejected their presence and their methods. Now through an integrated innovative offering advertisers and marketers can both reach and add value to the conversations. You Ask How? Integrated technology aimed at the financial sector has created a huge opportunity…

  • Live Facebook Streams On FOX Sports

    Live Facebook Streams On FOX Sports

    On Sunday, Facebook announced a fascinating relationship agreement with FOX Sports. On the statement, it is usually says this offer would have the social chat too Facebook data to look combined with live NFL college soccer and football broadcast for the following six months. Sources advised that Fox Sports will make using Facebook data in…

  • How to Choose Keywords and Topics for Content Marketing

    How to Choose Keywords and Topics for Content Marketing

    Learn how to choose topics and keywords when writing blog posts or working on a content marketing campaign or get professional here from Choosing the right topic is important to the success of your content marketing activities. Before starting any content marketing campaign, it is important to do keyword research. Find out what types…

  • How to Make the Most of Online and Internet Social Connections

    How to Make the Most of Online and Internet Social Connections

    We hear it all the time that online social networking is changing the way we interact with each other and how is changing the way people use Instagram. For many of us, it certainly has made our “world” seem larger and we may find that we are constantly marketing, tweeting, twitting, and posting. But,…

  • Using Social Networking Sites to Our Advantage

    Using Social Networking Sites to Our Advantage

    Over recent years, social networking has emerged as a primary form of communication for many people in keeping up with their social circles amidst their busy lives. One of the major social networking sites, Facebook, has become the number one choice of many who use these types of sites. As with anything, there are always…

  • Art of Managing Your Time and Content on Facebook

    Art of Managing Your Time and Content on Facebook

    Are you someone who struggles to find time for social media? Here are few simple tips on managing your time and getting the most out of your Facebook engagement. Draw A Plan! Before you post on Facebook have a goal in mind of what you are trying to accomplish. Create a weekly short list of…