If you want a real thrill with MMORPG without spending too much bucks, Old School Runescape is definitely for you! This variation of the Popular Runescape immediately gathered equal number of user to its main classic counterpart, thus proving how awesome is OSRS on its own rights.
OSRS for a Different Runescape Experience
The Old School Runescape, (OSRS), is another cool variation of the globally recognized MMORPG, Runescape. It arose from the backup files of the Runescape source code which was formed in 2007, and was released for gamers on 2013.
Albeit both variations have high-end awesomeness for the players to experience, the Old School Runescape has several features highlighted in it. For instance, the gameplay of OSRS may be similar with the classic version, but it focuses more on battles instead of skill leveling. Most quests are also not present yet, since the OSRS is an earlier version of the main game. Some skills are also not present in the OSRS, but recently discontinued stuff like mini games remains available in it.
Just don’t think too much about OSRS being an old version of the classic Runescape, and you’d surely enjoy the features it can give you! With a variation of the Runescape focused on combats, you can enjoy battles without being distracted by some other features around. Focus on improving your character’s skills for battle, and don’t mind about some other stuff you probably don’t need for survival and combat.
You just have to login to OSRS with the account you use on the main version of Runescape. You will have a separate character for OSRS, so you don’t have to worry about it affecting your main game. You just have to get on your character’s shoes to start, and get things going for a great MMORPG gaming experience!