Exercising is usually accomplished in the outdoors in summer, as there are a lot of activities that are fun and can help you stay in shape. You can go biking, swimming, walking or playing tennis. There are also more games and activities that are available in most city parks and special trails marked for walking or jogging.
As the seasons change and colder weather comes, it’s a whole different picture. If you are not a winter outdoor enthusiast, who enjoys skiing, ice skating, snow boarding and walking in the cold snowy air, then there is one alternative, and that is to take your exercise indoors. Some ideas for exercising indoors are given below.
Depending on the available space you have in your home, you might consider acquiring some exercise equipment. This equipment need not be expensive if you are inclined to shop around for used pieces. I would suggest a treadmill, stationery bicycle, an exercise ball (practical) and possibly several pair of hand-held dumbbells in various weights. Barbells are also highly recommended, but they can be made with a length of wood or metal you would feel comfortable with (possibly three feet). Then when you have the bar cut to size, all you have to do is fasten a weight (dumbbell) to each end. The barbell is used for lifting the whole thing (bar and weights) up over your head, and also lifting from the floor, chair or other level. Start slowly, working up to more strenuous and longer periods of exercise as you progress.
If you have an extra room in your home for exercise, or a room in a finished basement, that is ideal. However, you can exercise in almost any room with the space that is available. One small tool is called, ‘a Peddler,’ which can be placed on a table and peddled with your arms, or you can place it on the floor and peddle it with your feet. You can even turn the tension up or down, to make it easier, or more work to peddle. This exerciser was purchased at a reasonable price from a health and fitness dealer.
Someone who likes to walk will find the treadmill an uncomplicated way to exercise the important muscles (whole body). This is great for a beginner, as the first thing we want to do is strengthen the whole body. If the whole body is strong, the exercises for specific areas are much easier to perform. It is best to find a treadmill that shows the miles walked, which makes it more exciting as you count your miles. The one I have has arm exercisers as well as legs, which truly exercises the whole body to some extent.
The stationery bicycle gives a good workout, especially for legs, and some have arm movements also. I have another type called, a ‘Health Rider,’ which takes a little more strenuous pull on the arms and is another source of a whole body workout. We purchased this one at a garage sale. The demand for the yeast supplement is increasing in the market. It will protect the body of the person from fungal infections and results in a good digestive system. The working of the body will be effective through the medicines.
The hand-held dumbbells can be found reasonably priced at Wal-Mart, or in any hardware or other exercise-equipment stores. Although these are smaller and less expensive items, they are important and should be well used.
Have fun and get in shape for spring.